02 82721666
EVERY MALE HAS AT SOME TIME HAD THE FANTASY OF owning a sex slave. Men want to experience utmost power andthey respond erotically to the notion of being a powerful sultan - theultimate master, and his harem is the modern-day man’s privatebrothel. Now the high-class call girl of the modern era can givedominant people the fantasies they often cannot substituteI feel I have created a world by which modern-day powerful,executive masters can gauge their fantasies. The thought of haremfantasies are generally very different from what harem reality was inpast history. Men want more than one woman. They are theconquerors and their self-esteem comes from conquest and this cantake many forms. The ‘glamours’ provide the perfect world for thisfantasy to be explored without hurting anyone.For men, the rights of ownership belong to another, past world.Imagine the life of a rich and successful man who has the power ofmoney. What does he truly want? What challenges are left for him inhis life? Is he satisfied with what he has in life? Imagine if for a periodof time, money can bring into your fantasy world a sex slave who willbe at your beck and call - a woman so trained in the art of seductionthat every word you utter is acted upon. Imagine this with four orfive ‘glamours’ who spend all their time with a man as though he isthe only man alive and they cannot wait to enact his desired fantasies.I have seen clients who want a mistress as an important trapping intheir life. To obtain the woman who will listen intently to all histroubles and please him beyond his wildest dreams. Modern-dayharems are for the real model call girl; only she can create this world- for a price.Nonetheless, to be a powerful man able to afford the western geishais to feel like a virtual god, and to wield nearly absolute power withinone’s personal sphere; thus, many men aspire to be rich and famous,at least in their own private worlds. Money has a way of influencingthe nature of sex and power. A modern man’s harem might consistof a wife at home, his secretary at work, and his high-class ‘glamour’and her friends, all at his fingertips. This could be the perfectmodern harem; a lavish and opulent world created by high-class callgirls. I know I have created this world for many a powerful man andthe question may be asked, how happy is this client in his moderndayharem and how long can his world survive his lust for theultimate fantasy?Is today’s call girl agency the creator of the grand harem of modernman? The luxury hotel room with three call girls at his commandwhilst his wife is at home minding his much-loved children and hisfaithful, competent secretary is running his business. Young andbeautiful call girl slaves bathed, shaved, oiled, groomed tocompulsive standards. Dressed in lingerie and jewels, waiting andtrained to please men beyond their wildest dreams. This orgiasticdecadence that I created for men has stirred the envy, lust, and greedof all my clients’ imaginations; I am fully aware of the man’s worldand what he truly wants. Nothing has changed about the haremexcept in its manifestation so as to fit into our society. It is a part oflife that I know men want and they thrive on its very existence.Forty-year-old men want to experience again the feeling that only ayoung girl can give. Men practise polygamy; they trade in sex slaves.The word “harem” derives from the Arabic word hareem meaning thearea reserved for women, wives, concubines and servants; severalkinds of women associated with any one man. Modern man wants tospend his time losing his power, and experiencing the extravagantritual of bathing, eating, and mindless play that young model‘glamours’ exude. Stylish clothes, luxury foods and surroundings -the call girls I have created are modern men’s slaves. While call girlsare not highly regarded outside their sexual roles, some of these‘glamours’, I have proved, are exceptions to the rule. On occasionmodern man’s harem is destroyed by the dominant power call girl‘princess’ that I have created. She would be so beautiful and alluringthat many of my clients would forgo the safe world of the family andconfine their secretaries or wives to other duties. Being so captivatedby the glamorous call girl, they would be totally besotted by her intheir new-found relationship, that in the end they do away with amodern man’s harem. Strange that a man would create this fantasy inthe first instance, then become totally monogamous with a call girl bywhom he was completely obsessed.Have men not been influenced by polygamist role-models such asHugh Hefner and James Bond in movies, television and magazines?Do men really want the life of Hugh Hefner? Yes, men want thislife-style. Here is an influential, upfront man in today’s society whohas expressed his desire for woman and has lived a life that is the envyof every man. They picture themselves as the ultimate playboy forwhatever period of time they can afford. Men seek this life-style, andits hidden world of secret men’s business is spoken only amongstother devotees of the modern harem. I know men want to recreatethis image of Hugh Hefner but their life-style does not allow themto do so openly.I have arranged secret weekends away for a number of clients onisland resorts, where the client has informed his partner or wife thathe is off on a business trip that will make the family rich, and theyshould be supportive and wish him luck. Only he was with aglamorous woman living the secret playboy life-style that he sofantasies about. You see in all the bookings that I arranged betweenclient and ‘glamour’, I knew it was no more and no less than a fantasythat they required, and that they were not hurting anyone. Theyneeded this, or assured themselves that this little interlude wasnecessary for them to continue in their high-powered world, that itwas also a right of title.Men want power and the trappings that go with it. It is not just forthe rich and famous that I arranged these secret interludes; it was theup and coming young male who saw this as his domain and who fellinto the (imagined) suave and debonair world of James Bond.Hollywood has set the pattern for men, and men have blindlyfollowed these types who have established the modern-day harem.Yes, this world of the modern harem is alive and well, and kept secretfrom women. The secretary and call girl have replaced ancientRoman wife, concubine and body slave; a new world order that Ihave seen increase by what I have marketed to men and woman alike.We all want the fantasy; we all want what is forbidden. Couples andsingles have moved into the world of cocaine and ecstasy parties andused drugs to remove their inhibitions. The world of the call girl isno longer seen as taboo but an extension of the corporate world andthe world of the adult market that is increasingly asking, ‘Why shouldthe world of the modern harem be the sole realm of one man such as HughHefner?’ Is it just money that is required for this life-style? Men arefast embracing this life-style, but they are coming to me to secretlymake the arrangements until they see it being more socially accepted.Religion has been used in a number of cultures and eras to facilitatethe taking of more than one wife, but today’s man is just fascinatedby the thought of the playboy life-style. However he does not knowhow to approach it and he is not sure if women are ready for this wayof life on a day to day basis. So men, being the simple creatures thatwe are, just lie low in the world of the high-class ‘glamour’ until wedevelop a way to make this life-style acceptable and indeed the norm.The questions I ask are these; are today’s women prepared for orwanting the truth about men’s desires for this way of living? Wouldthey be happy to be a woman involved in a Hugh Hefner life-style, freefrom social stigma? Would this be an accepted life-style in today’sworld? Will more women who are empowered by their experience ofbeing a call girl lead them to this way of life with a powerful mantoday? Or is it just a fantasy that only one man can live?Most men live in a secret world that they create. Only men withpower and charm get to live out fantasies in true life.“Sir, I take my hat off to you, for you are honest about your desires in life”.I can recall many a ‘glamour’ who left the agency to form part of aman’s fantasy world, in that she was the paid mistress. Thisarrangement in some cases lasted as long as 2 years and both theclient and the ‘glamour’ treated this as a perfect liaison which suitedboth parties. The client wanted the feeling of his own mistress tosoothe his tired brow, albeit in a stable relationship entailing the wifeand the children. He would also, whilst in this relationship with anex-’glamour’, still arrange to have me provide him with other‘glamours’ on the side to extend his modern-day harem, but the wifeand the ex-’glamour’ were his constant companions. His secretarywas also added to the equation in way or other. But he would neverstop looking for the next ‘glamour’ fantasy. Eventually, I think, mostmen know the mistress is just a fun time to be had for a while and isbased on a financial arrangement, and the sharing of feelings does notenter into the equation. Men need to be constantly reassured, and Iwas amazed at how many times I had to tell clients what ‘glamours’thought of them. The life of the mistress was always better than thewife’s. She was the one he constantly bought presents for. She wasthe one to whom he complained about his wife and children, or hisproblems at work. You see the ‘glamour’ or ex-’glamour’ is trained todo just that - listen to him and show empathy to what he was saying.When all said and done, I was totally amazed at the amount ofcommunication a client had with his call girl. A person whom he had,in some instances, only known for sixty minutes but yet had told herhis entire life story.The question remains, would the life-style of the modern harem suittoday’s society and could it slow down the divorce rate? Would it suitthe world we live in or should it stay secret men’s business and be leftat that? In the animal kingdom, the ‘alpha’ male attracts females inheat and gets to copulate. Perhaps I am attracting too many ‘alpha’male clients.
02 82721666
EVERY MALE HAS AT SOME TIME HAD THE FANTASY OF owning a sex slave. Men want to experience utmost power andthey respond erotically to the notion of being a powerful sultan - theultimate master, and his harem is the modern-day man’s privatebrothel. Now the high-class call girl of the modern era can givedominant people the fantasies they often cannot substituteI feel I have created a world by which modern-day powerful,executive masters can gauge their fantasies. The thought of haremfantasies are generally very different from what harem reality was inpast history. Men want more than one woman. They are theconquerors and their self-esteem comes from conquest and this cantake many forms. The ‘glamours’ provide the perfect world for thisfantasy to be explored without hurting anyone.For men, the rights of ownership belong to another, past world.Imagine the life of a rich and successful man who has the power ofmoney. What does he truly want? What challenges are left for him inhis life? Is he satisfied with what he has in life? Imagine if for a periodof time, money can bring into your fantasy world a sex slave who willbe at your beck and call - a woman so trained in the art of seductionthat every word you utter is acted upon. Imagine this with four orfive ‘glamours’ who spend all their time with a man as though he isthe only man alive and they cannot wait to enact his desired fantasies.I have seen clients who want a mistress as an important trapping intheir life. To obtain the woman who will listen intently to all histroubles and please him beyond his wildest dreams. Modern-dayharems are for the real model call girl; only she can create this world- for a price.Nonetheless, to be a powerful man able to afford the western geishais to feel like a virtual god, and to wield nearly absolute power withinone’s personal sphere; thus, many men aspire to be rich and famous,at least in their own private worlds. Money has a way of influencingthe nature of sex and power. A modern man’s harem might consistof a wife at home, his secretary at work, and his high-class ‘glamour’and her friends, all at his fingertips. This could be the perfectmodern harem; a lavish and opulent world created by high-class callgirls. I know I have created this world for many a powerful man andthe question may be asked, how happy is this client in his moderndayharem and how long can his world survive his lust for theultimate fantasy?Is today’s call girl agency the creator of the grand harem of modernman? The luxury hotel room with three call girls at his commandwhilst his wife is at home minding his much-loved children and hisfaithful, competent secretary is running his business. Young andbeautiful call girl slaves bathed, shaved, oiled, groomed tocompulsive standards. Dressed in lingerie and jewels, waiting andtrained to please men beyond their wildest dreams. This orgiasticdecadence that I created for men has stirred the envy, lust, and greedof all my clients’ imaginations; I am fully aware of the man’s worldand what he truly wants. Nothing has changed about the haremexcept in its manifestation so as to fit into our society. It is a part oflife that I know men want and they thrive on its very existence.Forty-year-old men want to experience again the feeling that only ayoung girl can give. Men practise polygamy; they trade in sex slaves.The word “harem” derives from the Arabic word hareem meaning thearea reserved for women, wives, concubines and servants; severalkinds of women associated with any one man. Modern man wants tospend his time losing his power, and experiencing the extravagantritual of bathing, eating, and mindless play that young model‘glamours’ exude. Stylish clothes, luxury foods and surroundings -the call girls I have created are modern men’s slaves. While call girlsare not highly regarded outside their sexual roles, some of these‘glamours’, I have proved, are exceptions to the rule. On occasionmodern man’s harem is destroyed by the dominant power call girl‘princess’ that I have created. She would be so beautiful and alluringthat many of my clients would forgo the safe world of the family andconfine their secretaries or wives to other duties. Being so captivatedby the glamorous call girl, they would be totally besotted by her intheir new-found relationship, that in the end they do away with amodern man’s harem. Strange that a man would create this fantasy inthe first instance, then become totally monogamous with a call girl bywhom he was completely obsessed.Have men not been influenced by polygamist role-models such asHugh Hefner and James Bond in movies, television and magazines?Do men really want the life of Hugh Hefner? Yes, men want thislife-style. Here is an influential, upfront man in today’s society whohas expressed his desire for woman and has lived a life that is the envyof every man. They picture themselves as the ultimate playboy forwhatever period of time they can afford. Men seek this life-style, andits hidden world of secret men’s business is spoken only amongstother devotees of the modern harem. I know men want to recreatethis image of Hugh Hefner but their life-style does not allow themto do so openly.I have arranged secret weekends away for a number of clients onisland resorts, where the client has informed his partner or wife thathe is off on a business trip that will make the family rich, and theyshould be supportive and wish him luck. Only he was with aglamorous woman living the secret playboy life-style that he sofantasies about. You see in all the bookings that I arranged betweenclient and ‘glamour’, I knew it was no more and no less than a fantasythat they required, and that they were not hurting anyone. Theyneeded this, or assured themselves that this little interlude wasnecessary for them to continue in their high-powered world, that itwas also a right of title.Men want power and the trappings that go with it. It is not just forthe rich and famous that I arranged these secret interludes; it was theup and coming young male who saw this as his domain and who fellinto the (imagined) suave and debonair world of James Bond.Hollywood has set the pattern for men, and men have blindlyfollowed these types who have established the modern-day harem.Yes, this world of the modern harem is alive and well, and kept secretfrom women. The secretary and call girl have replaced ancientRoman wife, concubine and body slave; a new world order that Ihave seen increase by what I have marketed to men and woman alike.We all want the fantasy; we all want what is forbidden. Couples andsingles have moved into the world of cocaine and ecstasy parties andused drugs to remove their inhibitions. The world of the call girl isno longer seen as taboo but an extension of the corporate world andthe world of the adult market that is increasingly asking, ‘Why shouldthe world of the modern harem be the sole realm of one man such as HughHefner?’ Is it just money that is required for this life-style? Men arefast embracing this life-style, but they are coming to me to secretlymake the arrangements until they see it being more socially accepted.Religion has been used in a number of cultures and eras to facilitatethe taking of more than one wife, but today’s man is just fascinatedby the thought of the playboy life-style. However he does not knowhow to approach it and he is not sure if women are ready for this wayof life on a day to day basis. So men, being the simple creatures thatwe are, just lie low in the world of the high-class ‘glamour’ until wedevelop a way to make this life-style acceptable and indeed the norm.The questions I ask are these; are today’s women prepared for orwanting the truth about men’s desires for this way of living? Wouldthey be happy to be a woman involved in a Hugh Hefner life-style, freefrom social stigma? Would this be an accepted life-style in today’sworld? Will more women who are empowered by their experience ofbeing a call girl lead them to this way of life with a powerful mantoday? Or is it just a fantasy that only one man can live?Most men live in a secret world that they create. Only men withpower and charm get to live out fantasies in true life.“Sir, I take my hat off to you, for you are honest about your desires in life”.I can recall many a ‘glamour’ who left the agency to form part of aman’s fantasy world, in that she was the paid mistress. Thisarrangement in some cases lasted as long as 2 years and both theclient and the ‘glamour’ treated this as a perfect liaison which suitedboth parties. The client wanted the feeling of his own mistress tosoothe his tired brow, albeit in a stable relationship entailing the wifeand the children. He would also, whilst in this relationship with anex-’glamour’, still arrange to have me provide him with other‘glamours’ on the side to extend his modern-day harem, but the wifeand the ex-’glamour’ were his constant companions. His secretarywas also added to the equation in way or other. But he would neverstop looking for the next ‘glamour’ fantasy. Eventually, I think, mostmen know the mistress is just a fun time to be had for a while and isbased on a financial arrangement, and the sharing of feelings does notenter into the equation. Men need to be constantly reassured, and Iwas amazed at how many times I had to tell clients what ‘glamours’thought of them. The life of the mistress was always better than thewife’s. She was the one he constantly bought presents for. She wasthe one to whom he complained about his wife and children, or hisproblems at work. You see the ‘glamour’ or ex-’glamour’ is trained todo just that - listen to him and show empathy to what he was saying.When all said and done, I was totally amazed at the amount ofcommunication a client had with his call girl. A person whom he had,in some instances, only known for sixty minutes but yet had told herhis entire life story.The question remains, would the life-style of the modern harem suittoday’s society and could it slow down the divorce rate? Would it suitthe world we live in or should it stay secret men’s business and be leftat that? In the animal kingdom, the ‘alpha’ male attracts females inheat and gets to copulate. Perhaps I am attracting too many ‘alpha’male clients.
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